Unique solutions
"Turnkey" organization of production processes for flexible reinforced pipes with insulation for heating and hot water networks more detail |
"Turnkey" organization of production processes for molecular-oriented PVC (PVC-O) pipes for pressure pipelines with unique strength characteristics with significant savings in raw materials (65%) and electricity (40%) more detail |
"Turnkey" organization of production processes for reinforced thermoplastic high pressure flexible pipes (RTP) for oil- and water-supply networks for pressures up to 250 bar more detail | ||
"Turnkey" organization of production processes for new generation reinforced of high-strenght yarns straps more detail |
Productivity improvement of extrusion lines for the production of HDPE pipe up to 100% more detail |
Automation of single equipment, separate units and complete production lines more detail | ||
Updating the production of foamed polymers for Freon-free technologies more detail | ||
High extrusion screws (30 % capacity) for the production of expanded polystyrene more detail | ||
Automatic data collection system of raw materials consumption from loading into the silo to the finished product in stock more detail | ||
High-speed extruders more detail | ||
Reduction of energy consumption of costly extrusion lines more detail | ||
Replacing costly HDPE grades on conventional more detail | ||
Development of non-standard equipment more detail |