+7 (812) 702-78-79

Automation of single equipment, separate units and complete production lines

Improving efficiency of management of equipment

Each production company has a certain part of the industrial equipment, including equipment of different manufacturers. Such equipment is usually not connected to a single information-processing facility that does not allow monitoring and control of processes.

We have experience to solve this problem by:

• development of control algorithms
• supply equipment with necessary sensors and controllers
• the creation of a software product, corresponding to control algorithm
• broadening the base of controlled and archived parameters

Having solved this problem you get an effective tool to manage all production processes that allows you quickly evaluate information and, consequently, reduce downtime, get reliable information, analyze the causes of failures and shutdowns. Eventually, this will significantly increase the profitability of your business.


Configuring reports for analysis

To manage the production process effectively, a lot of information has to be analyzed. For example, it is important to control and monitor time parameters, temperature, pressure,  performance, raw material consumption, number of the stops, failures and errors. To solve this problem, we use excellently proven method - the creation of a single database, which will receive information from sensors on the equipment, from the reports that are filled by production personnel. Further, in conjunction with interested staff of your company (management, professionals and technical and economic services, etc.), we define the configuration of analytical reports and perform their programming and implementation.

In future, when new reports are needed, our specialists will configure the necessary of self-aligning report and send it to your e-mail. This will greatly reduce the time for the task.


Improving interface of control unit equipment

Equipment manufacturers configure management system with standard interface that does not take into account the specifics of a particular company and which is not easy to use. Most often, interface is not translated into the language of the customer, this slows down the process of training and leads to errors in work. Buyer of the equipment has to invest time, efforts to find solutions.

Expert Engineering offers several solutions of this problem:

  • At the stage of manufacturing we get software texts of interface management from the producer, provide accurate translation of information and transmit the data to the manufacturer for its subsequent introduction into interface. Thus, you get a bilingual interface, which allows you efficiently perform at the stage of commissioning of equipment, during staff training and in the process of operation of the equipment.
  • In case if you already use the equipment, experts of our company together with technical experts of your company will determine the information needed to display on the control unit, as well as parameters that require a change in the process of production. Based on this information, we will amend the existing interface control unit.